Northeast Valley Health Corporation – Physician Profiles
NEVHC provides medical, dental and behavioral health services through experienced and dedicated professionals specializing in various fields of expertise. The information on this online directory is alphabetical by last name and updated periodically. The availability of physicians, providers and services is subject to change.
Meet Our Medical Providers – Physicians

Lara Abbott, MD

Sharmella Advani, MD

Martin Anderson, MD

Teda Arunrut, MD

Babak Baradar-Bokaie, MD

Allison Campos, MD

Kerry Clark, MD

Susan Eglick-Levy, MD

Elisha Featherstone, MD

Wendy Fields, MD

Nancy Fitts, MD

Absalon Galat, MD

Edward Gordon, MD

Gloria Hierro, MD

Zeina Hijazi, MD

Gina Johnson, MD

\Pegah Kandabi-Daneshrad, MD

Paula Kuhlman, MD

Ruth Landsberger, MD

Hadar Levgur-Fields, MD

Alicia Lwin, MD

David Mclntosh, MD

Ardis Moe, MD

Margaret Natarajan, MD

Eldridge Pearsall, MD

Mykie Pidor, MD

Gary Posner, MD

Jesse Sanders, MD

Mona Shah, MD

Althea Stresino, MD

Buenaflor Uy, MD

Mary Wakim, MD